Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Entry 7

In the videos we watched this week there were ideas for morning activities to get the students involved and ready to learn. For example one teacher asked each of his students a question about what they had learned with a firm handshake. If they answered correctly they were allowed to enter the classroom. It seemed like the students enjoyed it and it motivated them to retain what they learned in class. In another video one teacher explained why she the organization and having a routine is the utmost importance when it comes to good classroom behavior.  All of the videos watched were very helpful and informative this week. 

Mrs. Cullimore incorporates her own morning routine for her students. First the kids complete their daily journal.. 
They can write about whatever they like and draw a picture. Then she has the morning meeting. All the kids will come sit on the alphabet rug. She gives the students the opportunity to share what they have written in their journal that morning. Then they discuss what will be happening that week, school events, holidays, class activities, etc. I think it is a great way to start the day because it helps the kids learn more about each other while practicing writing and sentence structure. Mrs. Cullimore is also very organized and keeps to a routine. I think this is a great way to run a classroom. The kids know what they will be doing and are prepared to complete the tasks. It is important to have an environment where the students feel safe. I believe that Mrs. Cullimore has accomplished this task. 

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