Friday, October 25, 2013

Entry 5: The Roles of a Teacher

I am amazed at how many roles a teacher plays. From my experiences in the second grade classroom and the activities we have completed for class this week has really been an eye opener. I believe the most important role a teacher plays is to be a multitasker. The ability to multitask is a must when being in the professional field of a teacher. Besides completing your main task of teaching kids you are also communicating with parents and colleagues, helping kids socially,  being a disciplinary figure, and constantly be organized while juggling multiple tasks. As you can see it can get pretty overwhelming. While doing my fieldwork hours this week I noticed how Mrs. Cullimore handles all the roles needed to be filled. She teaches her students in many different ways. She has figured out group activities for the entire class to do while she can work with some students one on one. While disciplining a naughty child, she still shows kindness and helps the student get back on track. She resolves issues between students constantly. After school Mrs. Cullimore responds to emails or messages the parents have left for her, while getting ready for the next day of lessons. I am amazed at how much she can get done with the little time she has to prepare and organize. 

What I believe to be the most challenging role of a teacher would be communicator. In this field you are constantly communicating. While communicating with the students and teaching them during the day, you are also responsible for communicating with their parents as well. I think communicating with parents can be pretty intimidating, especially if you are the bearer of bad news. If a child is misbehaved or is having a hard time with a certain subject the parent should be informed so they can help the situation. No parent wants to hear their child is not the child they thought they were. Although Mrs. Cullimore has told me that most parents are very understanding and want to help there child, she has had a few difficult parents in the past. Besides communicating with the students and parents, teachers also communicate with colleagues, and the community. The role of communicator alone can be a full time job.

Although the many roles a teacher plays can be a little overwhelming, it has not swayed me from my goal in the least. I still am so excited to become a teacher one day. I am willing to accept the challenges as well as the rewards from being a teacher. I know that teachers play many roles, but I am ready to accept the challenge and be the best teacher I can be. 

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